Thanksgiving and Cranberry Relish
During this week of Thanksgiving, I pause to reflect on what I am so very thankful for.
I am thankful for my wonderful family. I am so thankful to have the world’s best daughter, Ashley and the world’s best son, Ben, Jr., along with the world’s best daughter-in-law, Robin, and world’s best son-in-law Andy. I am also thankful for my four precious grandchildren, Maddy, Jacob, Carson, and Kate! They are wonderful and bring so much happiness into my life. Additionally, I am grateful for my in-laws wonderful families who bless my life.
I also have a very special sister, Sylvia, and brother-in-law, Richard, along with two fantastic brothers, Jim and John and their respective wives, Inger and Lynne. Their children and their grandchildren are also a blessing in my life.
I also pause to reflect on my friends. Their love and support is a blessing beyond measure. They add so much to my life for which I am so thankful.
I am also very thankful to have had wonderful parents. This time of the year, I always think about my parents who are no longer here, particularly my mother who always made Thanksgiving very special. She was an excellent cook and loved to host Thanksgiving at her house. One of the dishes I remember best is her famed cranberry relish. It was something everyone in our family, as well as many of her friends, enjoyed year after year. I remember the twinkle in her eye and the smile on her face when someone asked for the recipe. Although she didn’t share the recipe until her latter years, she always made extra amounts of it to hand out to family members and friends. It’s a wonderful, sweet memory that I will always cherish; mother, expressing her love through her famed cranberry relish.
I am also thankful for a life of abundance. I have come to know that one doesn’t have to have tons of money to live an abundant life. I have food in the fridge and pantry. I have a comfortable place to sleep. I am healthy. I live in a great country. And most importantly, I have a wonderful family and loving friends! Truly, I am blessed and very grateful.
During this season of Thanksgiving, I encourage you to take a moment to pause and reflect on all you are grateful for. I have come to know that the more I appreciate the good in my life, the more good comes my way. My wish for you is a Thanksgiving filled with joy and laughter – and some cranberry relish!
Happy Thanksgiving!